Friday 16 December 2016

The Gingerbread Man

Today we read the story The Gingerbread Man retold by Brenda Parkes and Judith Smith. The students really seemed engaged in the story, as they chanted along to the Gingerbread Man's song, while he ran as fast as he could from those chasing him. We talked about all of the things that were needed to make the Gingerbread Man and the steps that were followed to bake him.

We also talked about what we thought would happen to the Gingerbread Man when he came to the river...
Harper "fall down in the river"
Nicolas "fall down in the river"
Reese and Maryn "he's going to swim"
Elizabeth "he's going to get soggy and won't be there anymore"

When a fox came to carry the Gingerbread Man across the river we asked whether or not he should trust the fox...
Yes he should go with the fox- Matteo, Nicolas, Joshua, Elizabeth, Nolan, Taliah
No he should not go with the fox- Maryn, Harper, Alessia,Reese, Marshall

The Gingerbread Man did go with the fox, but started to get wet so the fox told him to ride on his nose. When I asked the children if the Gingerbread Man should go on his nose they all said "NO!". So I asked what they thought was going to happen...
Everyone said that they thought the fox was going to eat the Gingerbread Man except for Elizabeth who thought 'the fox is going to drop him in the water and he'll melt'.

The story ended with the fox eating the Gingerbread Man, so we talked about how the story may have ended different if there had been a bridge for the Gingerbread Man to use to cross the river.
I wonder what would have happened if there was a bridge?
Nolan "he would be safe"
Alessia "he would come across and be safe"
Reese " run away and hop on the wolf and eat him"
Maryn "the wolf wouldn't eat him and he would be safe"
Matteo "he would go over"
Joshua "he would fall off into a boat and go fishing"
Harper "he would fall on the bridge" 
Nicolas "he would fall off the bridge and a whale shark would eat him"
Marshall "he would fall off the bridge and a shark would eat him"
Elizabeth "he would fall off the bridge and melt"
Taliah "he would stay safe and won't fall in the water"

Then we had a Bridge Challenge, where the children had to build a bridge for the Gingerbread Man.
Great work today!!!

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