Wednesday 21 December 2016

Candy Cane Experiment

Yesterday the children and I wondered what would happen if we put candy canes in cold water, hot water and vinegar. Here are the predictions the children came up with...
After we were finished predicting we decided to actually try to see what would happen. The results were amazing! 
We noticed that the liquids started to change colour almost right away. We also noticed that there was a very strong mint smell from the two water containers and a "yucky" smell (as all of the children described it) coming from the vinegar container.
After about a half an hour here is what we saw...
The candy canes had turned all of the liquids really red! The smell of mint was very strong in the hot and cold water containers and the "yucky" smell was even stronger coming from the vinegar container. When I asked the children what they saw and smelled, here is what they told me...
Joshua 'looks like there is no more candy canes'
Harper 'the candy canes are wet'
Matteo 'looks like the inside of a branch'
Harper 'they smell yucky!'
Nolan 'the hot and cold water smell like candy cane but the vinegar smells bad!'
Nicolas 'the vinegar smells like vinegar'
Reese 'the water smells like mint'
Joshua 'the vinegar smells like hot lava'
Nicolas 'the vinegar looks like it has bones in it'
Jenna 'the hot water smells like dust'
Maryn 'the candy cane disappeared in the hot water because it turned into a gas because it was too hot'
Harper 'candy canes are spicy'
Matteo 'the water all looks like blood'
Viktor 'it looks like bones in the water'
Reese 'the candy canes are broken'
Nolan 'looks like sticks in water'

Today when we came to school, the first thing most of us did was check the containers to see what had happened during the night... we discovered three containers of very red and super strong smelling water. No more candy cane pieces to be found! Just minty water and 'yucky' vinegar.
Where did the candy canes go?...
Matteo 'they disappeared'
Maryn 'they turned to gas and disappeared because candy canes are cold and the liquid made them disappear into a gas'
Nicolas 'they disappeared'
Joshua 'they disappeared because the vinegar and water made them disappear'.

Great exploring!!


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