Thursday 30 November 2017

Report Card Envelopes 

Thank you to those who have already returned their Report Card Envelope! If you have not returned it yet, please do so, as your child will be using the same envelope all year. Thank you for your continued support! 

Concert Time

Today all of the Kindergarten children were treated to a special performance by Mr. Bull, Mr. Webster and Mr. Renaud! The children all seemed to enjoy dancing along to the music... some were dancing so much that they are blurs in our pictures. A big thank you to our wonderful performers! Great job today! 

Wednesday 29 November 2017

Letters to Santa

The other day our class was able to pair up with Mr. Fata's Grade 8 class to write our letters to Santa. The Grade 8 students did a great job listening to our students and printing out the words for them. We will mail their letters to Santa as a class and will look forward to reading our letter back from the North Pole together. Santa has informed us that he will be sending back one big class letter, instead of individual letters, just in case you want to have your child write another letter to Santa for him to mail an individual response to your own house. Great work everyone! 

Thursday 23 November 2017

Breakfast with Santa 

Just a friendly reminder that all permission forms and money for our breakfast with Santa are due tomorrow. Please make sure that you are marking the names of your child's guests down on the green form. If your child will not be attending our breakfast please send us a note so we can mark them absent for that day. Thank you! 

Also, please return your child's white report card envelope, as this is the same envelope that will be used for your child's report cards throughout the year. Thank you!