Wednesday 30 November 2016

Advent Mass

I am so proud to tell you all about our school Advent Mass today... our class was so good! They all did a great job sitting during mass, participating where they could and listening well to all of the readings and prayers. Matteo and Lilly also did a great job leading our class to the front of the gym, while carrying our Advent Wreath up to the front for a blessing. Here is a copy of the Advent Poem that we have been working on as a class during shared reading time, maybe your child will read it with you at home. Great work today!

Tuesday 29 November 2016

David's Drawings

Last week we explored the book David's Drawings, which is about a boy who draws a picture of a tree he saw on his walk to school, then all of his classmates add more detail to the drawing turning into a class portrait. We discussed various details and colours that had been added and did a group challenge, where the children had to work together in teams to draw a detailed picture of  'a day at the park'. 


After the team challenge, the children were asked to do their own detailed drawing of their Christmas Tree. Most of the children were hesitant to try this, and I heard a lot of "I don't know how!" Or "I can't do it!", so we worked together to draw my Christmas tree. I made sure to go step by step, showing them how most drawings start with shapes (ie. triangle for the tree, square for the trunk, circles for the ornaments,etc.), and colour choices. When my tree was done the children seemed excited to go and try their own, our class motto is "You can do it!"
With the children's interest in drawing growing everyday, this would be a good skill to practice at home too. Keep up the good work boys and girls!

Wednesday 23 November 2016

St. Anne's Leadership Students

Today our class was lucky to have 4 wonderful students from St. Anne's high school visit us and lead some fun activities. These 4 students will be coming every other week to lead fun, cooperative games with our class. These games should help to promote teamwork, cooperation and Fair play. Today was a fun game of musical chairs, followed by Simon Says. Great work today!


Tuesday 22 November 2016

Letters to Santa

Today our class went to visit our friends in the grade 6/7 class to write our letters to Santa. The students all worked really well with their older peer, telling them what they wanted to say to Santa, while the older student did the printing. Great work today! Hopefully Santa was watching!