Monday 3 October 2016

Welcome to our class blog! The students all seemed to really enjoy their first full week with their new class! I was really impressed with how well everyone transitioned!! We were able to do lots of fun things and I'm really looking forward to many more fun and interesting things to come!
Here's some of the things we explored last week...

Here the students are all working on a self portrait to be displayed in the classroom. The students were also asked to 'sign' their portrait, working on using both the upper and lower case letters in their first name.

Here the students are working on our Tower Challenge, where they were given a variety of blocks and asked to build a structure that could stand on its own. When they were finished building, the Big Bad Wolf (a.k.a. Mrs. McMillan) went around blowing on their structures to test if they were sturdy enough. We had lots of wonderful language come up during this time... strong, stable, flat, bumpy, slippery, wiggly, heavy, light, hard and soft were some of the words that could be heard during our challenge as the students worked hard to ensure a stable structure. Way to go boys and girls!! Keep up the great work!!

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