Monday 31 October 2016

What's Inside?

Today the children all seemed to enjoy cutting open our pumpkin and exploring it's insides. Some enjoyed playing with the goop more than others!



Thursday 27 October 2016

One more...


Halloween Fun!

Today the students all seemed to really enjoy pairing up with the other Kindergarten class for our fun activities.
There was bowling, skeleton bone creations, costume portraits, haunted house building and spooky pasta. What a great day! Hope everyone enjoys their weekend! 


Check out our costumes...


Happy Halloween!


Wednesday 26 October 2016

Pumpkin Investigations

The students really seemed to enjoy investigating our class pumpkin. We talked about the outside of the pumpkin, how many lines it has, how tall it is and whether it would sink or float. We were all very excited to watch the pumpkin sink to the bottom of our bucket, and even splash the counter a little in the process. Great investigating today! I think tomorrow we'll have to investigate the inside of our pumpkin... can't wait to see what happens next!

Halloween Celebration

Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow, Thursday October 27th, is our Halloween Celebration Day. We will be doing fun Halloween activities in the classroom, as well as finishing off our pumpkin investigations. The students are allowed to wear costumes tomorrow, but please note that it will be a regular school day with 3 outdoor recesses, so please ensure that your child is dressed for the weather and outdoor play. Masks, helmets, long loose pieces, etc. are all parts of a Halloween costume that could pose a safety concern and therefore should not be worn at school tomorrow. Wearing orange and black Halloween themed clothing is another option. Please also note that due to many allergies, food items of any kind should not be shared within our school. Thank you for your continued cooperation! Looking forward to a fun day!


Wednesday 19 October 2016

Colour Sorting

Today the children explored the many leaves that they picked yesterday during our Nature Walk. We sorted the leaves by colour, comparing shades to see which would match each leaf best. Great job!


Fall Fun

Yesterday the children all seemed to enjoy going for a walk around the school yard. We explored the large tree areas, picking leaves and looking for signs of spring. We talked about the many colours that we saw.