Thursday 31 March 2016

Literacy Hour

Thank You!

Thank you to our parent volunteers who came to read during our Literacy Hour today. The students all seemed to enjoy listening to so many new stories. We are really looking forward to our next Literacy Hour on April 22nd. 
Please note that there is no school tomorrow due to a PD day. Have a great weekend!

Guessing Game

We had so much fun the other day playing guessing games that we are going to be bringing one home that our parents can help with. Each child will bring home a plastic egg, they can place something from home in the egg and record 3 clues. We will start our guessing game Monday presenting a few each day. We are excited to see what the children come up with :) 

Tuesday 29 March 2016

Welcome Back!

The students all had a great day back after a long weekend. They were all so excited to share their Easter stories. Everyone played great today! Some of our friends were interested in playing a hide and seek game today, where they would hide an object and then give clues to their friends to go and find it. This turned into a carpet game with the whole class, where the class had to guess which square our "ladybug" was hiding under. The students all listened and participated really well! 

Thursday 24 March 2016

Happy Easter Weekend!

We want to wish everyone a very nice Easter weekend. The students have all listened really well this week to the Easter Story and seem excited to tell you all about what they've learned about Jesus. Great listening this week! In their mailbags you will find their two Easter crafts. Enjoy your weekend!


Today during PALS we were able to play a game of sound and word Twister! It was a lot of fun! 


This week in health we were fruit and veggie detectives! We had to figure out the mystery fruit or veggie in the box just by feeling it. We did a great job! 

Good News Popcorn Party!

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Kernels for Caring

We are so excited to announce that all of our students have worked very hard earning Good News tickets, and as a result our Kernels for Caring jar is full! That means that we will be having a popcorn party tomorrow. We will be supplying the popcorn and maybe even a short Easter movie. If you do not want your child to have any popcorn please put a note in their mailbag so we know. Thank you for your continued cooperation. 

Sight Word Challenge!

Our students have been learning some sight words in PALS so we decided to have a sight word challenge! The children decided they wanted to play boy vs girls. Everyone did a great job recognizing there common sight words and it ended in a tie! Great work! 

Tuesday 22 March 2016


The students have been doing a great job listening to stories and poems about Jesus and Easter. We have been working on some special crafts that will be coming home on Thursday for you to enjoy over your Easter weekend. Today the students helped us to colour our Jelly Bean Prayer which helps to teach us more about the first Easter. The students have been practicing reading this prayer altogether. Maybe they will read it to you too! 

Welcome Back!

Yesterday the students all really enjoyed sharing their My March Break page. Everyone worked really hard on their homework page, making sure that their picture had lots of colours and details. Way to go! It was great hearing all about everyone's week. Great sharing was done by all!

Monday 21 March 2016

Cutting Fun!

Just before our March Break, the students worked hard on making their own St. Patrick's Day Four Leaf Clovers. The students had to trace a model, cut it out, print Happy St. Patrick's Day, and use their fingers to paint little gold coins all around it. This was a great activity for the students to practice using their fine motor skills. Cutting is something that we encourage you to practice with your child at home, using child safety scissors, as it really helps to strengthen their fine motor muscles. Great work!