Wednesday 2 December 2015

Santa is Coming!

Hello All,
We just wanted to send you a friendly reminder that our Breakfast with Santa is fast approaching. Thank you to all who were able to sign-up to attend with us. Please remember that we are kindly asking that you drop your child off to the school for their regular arrival time. This way, we can take attendance and ride the bus to the hall together, which will help us to organize our classes for the short concert that we will perform as soon as we all arrive at the hall. After you drop your child off at the school you can then make your way to St. Simon St. Jude Hall to pick your seats. We should be arriving to the hall around 9:30. After the short concert, we will have breakfast and then visit with Santa. If after all of our festivities you would like to leave with your child, please be sure to let one of us know, so that we can take note in our attendance book. Thank you for your cooperation! See you on December 16th around 9:30am at St. Simon St. Jude Hall.

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