Friday 18 December 2015

Merry Christmas!

We just want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Enjoy your two weeks off- we will miss you! See you January 4th. 

12 Days Of Christmas

Today our children were very lucky to have the Grade 2 students from Mrs. Vossen's class sing to us their own version of the classic carol the 12 Days of Christmas. Great job done by all!

Thursday 17 December 2015

Christmas Cheer

Today the children got to listen to our school's Kids Praise Club sing some of our favourite Christmas songs. The children all did a great job listening and even singing along to some of their favourites. 

The children are also very excited to come home with a special Candy Cane treat from Miss Laura, our high school co-op teacher. Please note that we will not share food items in class, due to allergies, but will send it home, if individually wrapped. Thank you for your understanding.

Wednesday 16 December 2015

Breakfast with Santa

Thank you so much to all who were able to attend our special celebration this morning. The children were all so excited to have you there to watch them sing their special songs. They all did such a beautiful job singing and participating, that a few of us even got a little teary eyed. We are so proud of our students! Excellent job today! We just want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Enjoy your holidays! 

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Please let your Elf out!

The students are all coming home today with their Elf Applications. They are gently folded up in their mailbags and need to be let out quickly, to avoid any broken parts. Hope you enjoy reading their responses as much as we enjoyed them! Looking forward to seeing all of our 'little elves' tomorrow morning at Breakfast With Santa.

Breakfast with Santa details!

Monday 14 December 2015

Excellent Work!

Last week the students all worked really hard on our School Literacy Focus for the month of December- Poetry. We read a small part from Dr. Seuss' The Grinch and discussed what we thought the true meaning of Christmas was. The children all worked really hard during their Think Pair Share experience with their peers, where they discussed what they thought was happening to The Grinch during the poem, and then took turns sharing their thoughts with the class. So many wonderful ideas were shared that our work made the School Primary Board, where everyone walking down the main hall of the school can see and read their work. Great work by all!! We encourage you to ask your child about The Grinch and what was learned about the true meaning of Christmas. Their thoughts and responses are something to be very proud of!

SK Reading Books

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation with our SK Shared Reading books. We have been working very hard on some new sight word pages that we would like to send home for you to practice over the upcoming holidays. We are missing a few students' books, so if you could please send them back to school, we can put in our new pages and send them back home for practice. Thank you!

The JK students will also begin their own Letter Books after the Christmas Holidays. More information on the JK reading program will be coming home soon. Please remember to encourage your child to read and explore books with you as much as possible. It is very important for all of our students, both SK and JK, to be practicing their letter recognition, letter sounds and sight words as much as possible. Thank you for your continued support!

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Candy Grams

The children are coming home today with candy canes in their mail bags. Thank you to all of our Grade 7 friends for organizing and spreading so much Christmas Joy! The children are very excited to eat their candy cane!