Friday 30 October 2015

Sink or Float?

Yesterday the children took a tally of whether Patch our class pumpkin would sink or float in our water table.

And Patch...


Fun Friday

Today we worked hard on some scary Halloween centres. 

Here they are creating some spooky masks.

Here they are working on some spider webs.

Here they are exploring some Halloween books.

Here they are making some tissue paper Candy Corn.

Here they are creating some Halloween patterns.

Way to go!

Happy Halloween

Here are our friends making their scary monster faces. Super scary!

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Halloween News

This note is going home in mailbags today, but just in case you don't get a chance to see it...


Yesterday we used our pumpkin, Patch, ( the class named him)  for some estimating. The children were asked to come up and have a look at our pumpkin, then they were asked to choose how long they wanted their string to be in order for it to measure the width of the pumpkin. We had some very close estimations! Including one that was about an inch off! Great work today JK/SKs! Stay tuned for more pumpkin investigations! 

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Five Little Pumpkins

The students have been working hard singing one of our Halloween songs. They've also learned some hand actions that go with the words. Today the students performed it for us without any teacher help. Maybe they will sing it for you at home?

Monday 26 October 2015

Safety First

Today at school we had lots of practice with various safety drills. We got to go on a school bus and talk about ways to be safe while riding the bus. We even got to practice a Bus Evacuation, jumping off the back of the bus. We also practiced our Lockdown, Tornado and Evacuation drills. All of the students listened and participated really well. Way to go!

Bend your knees,

Tuck your arms and...


Friday 23 October 2015


This week the students enjoyed singing songs about an Animal Colour Farm. Through this song the students have practiced their recognition of colours and colour words. Maybe they will sing it for you at home?

Reading Fun

The students have been working hard during Circle and PALS with reading various poems, songs, and sight words. Any extra practice at home reading books, making sure to track the print of the words and sentences from left to right would be great! SK students please remember to bring your reading folders back on Monday so your new sheet can be added. Thank you!

Thursday 22 October 2015

Class Visitor

We had a little visitor sneak in our back door this morning at the bell! A spider decided to join our party! We decided to take a closer look at it before returning it back to its home, outside. Lots of observations were made and the magnify glasses were a hot commodity to check out the spiders eyes! 🕷

Wednesday 21 October 2015

Printing Power

The students have all been working hard working on their printing skills. The JK students have been working on printing their first name, and the SK students have been working on printing their first and last names. We are teaching the students to use both upper and lower case letters when printing. Students are encouraged to 'autograph' all of their pictures, drawings, etc..., to ensure lots of extra practice. Keep up the good work!

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Apple Words

Great job with your homework! The students were able to share some really good descriptive words today about apples. The students later worked on an investigation of what the inside of an apple looks like, using a magnify glass, while illustrating their findings. Good work!


There has been lots of 'baking' happening in our class over the last two days. Some of our girls have been working hard making an assortment of Playdoh cookies. The girls have also been working together, with some help from us, to label each kind of cookie. Chocolate chip is my favourite! Great job sounding out letters to help write the words. Keep up the good work!

Monday 19 October 2015


Today during Circle the students talked about leaves and apples. The students were asked to go home and ask you to help them think of some words that describe apples. Tomorrow during Circle we will use their words to complete our chart.

Nature Walks

On Friday the students went for a Nature Walk through our school yard. All of the students collected beautiful Fall Leaves, that we later used for our Leaf Rub Patterns.

Thursday 15 October 2015

Apple Graphing continued

Today we asked the students to tell us something about our graph. They did such a wonderful job explaining what their choice was or something they remembered. We were really proud when some children mentioned that apples may be more than one colour. For example one student coloured their Apple green and red, stating it was a Macintosh Apple! So smart! 

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Apple Graphing

Today the children worked very hard colouring an apple their favourite colour, red, green or yellow. Then they found the correct spot to place their Apple on our Apple Graph. Great job sorting colours and counting totals, to figure out which colour had the greatest and least amount. Way to go!

Tuesday 13 October 2015


The students enjoyed singing along, while making music with the rhythm sticks, to the book Mortimer. Great job following the beat and pattern of the song!

Friday 9 October 2015

Fire Safety

This week our students were very lucky to have Firefighters from the Lakeshore Fire Department come and visit. The students learned all about fire safety, got to explore one of the trucks, watched Mrs. McMillan get dressed in their fire gear, and even had a special visitor. Thank you for a great morning of learning! The Firefighters asked that all students review their home address with their family in case of an emergency. Thank you!