Friday 11 January 2019

Bridge Challenge

Today the students worked on building a bridge to help The Gingerbread Man cross the water without having to worry about getting wet. Before we began building we thought about different bridges and the different areas that they are used in. Many children shared about being on a big bridge over the water while riding in the car. We also talked about bridges that you can ride your bike over, like the one at the beach park, and bridges that you can walk over, like the one at the mall. Everyone worked very hard on their bridge and did a great job! We even tested our bridges using one of our LEGO People. Keep up the great work everyone! 

Thursday 10 January 2019

Welcome Back! 

We have had a very busy week back at school! The students have been working very hard on many different activities and centres. Recently we read the story of The Gingerbread Man and discussed with great detail why the Gingerbread Man was so worried about getting wet. The students came up with many great ideas which prompted us to test their theories. So we all took a Gingerbread Man cookie and put it in bucket of water to see what would happen. The results were so mushy and gross that most of the students didn’t want to touch or even look at their cookie when it came out of the water. We learned that the Gingerbread Man was definitely correct in being afraid of getting wet. Great work everyone!