Friday 28 September 2018

Terry Fox Walk 

Thank you so much for all of your support with our school Terry Fox Walk. The children all seemed to have a great time walking around in the ‘big’ field with the rest of the school, listening to the awesome DJ music. We also participated in a school wide ceremony honouring Terry Fox through prayer. Great work today everyone. Enjoy your weekend! 

Wednesday 26 September 2018

The Golden Rule

We’ve been talking a lot about how to be a good friend and student, while following our school and classroom rules. We’ve discussed The Golden Rule of treating others the way we would want to be treated, while using our ‘thinking caps’ to think about how we would feel in certain situations (ie. someone not sharing a toy, someone using hurtful hands or words, etc.). We read the story Chrysanthemum and discussed what we could do to help heal chrysanthemum’s heart, as her feelings got hurt by classmates who were making fun of her name. 

Today the students helped me to come up with ways that we can heal and/or prevent a ‘wrinkled heart’. Hopefully as a class, we can always try our best to follow The Golden Rule and treat others the way we want to be treated. Good work today! 

Tuesday 25 September 2018

Welcome to the 2018-2019 School Year! 

Welcome to our 2018-2019 class blog! We are super excited to start sharing our class news with you. We encourage you to check the blog regularly, for important news and information, as we will be using it as one of our primary means of communication between home and school. The blog can also be a great tool to use when communicating with your child about their day, discussing the pictures and activities being displayed. As soon as we receive all of the signed consent forms back we will begin posting about our day. Thank you for your continued cooperation!