Wednesday 30 May 2018

Cruise Ship

During free exploration time, Everett, Luke and Joshua worked together using Legos to create a cruise ship that can be used to see sharks.

Our House

During free play exploration, Harper, Natalie and Nicholas build a home using different types of blocks.  When questioned by Mrs. McMillan about it’s size, the three friends responded that it needs to be so large so they can all live in it together.

The Life Cycle of a Butterfly

We have been learning about different types of insects.  We are focusing our learning on caterpillars and the life cycle of a butterfly.  After watching a short video, Cruz recreated the life cycle of a butterfly using Legos.  He was able to describe each stage (Egg, caterpillar, cocoon and butterfly) as well as using the proper terminology such as pupa and chrysalis.

Friday 25 May 2018

Literacy With A Loved One Day

Thank you so much to all of our Loved Ones who came out today to visit with our class. The children all had so much fun! 


Today during free play exploration, Antonio, Everett and Josh worked together with Legos to create a submarine.  They described it as a machine that can dive way down underwater.

Wednesday 16 May 2018

Catholic Education Week Mentor Texts 

Last week during Catholic Education Week the students participated in Mentor Text readings, where we discussed, brainstormed and shared many different views and connections to the story. We read Enemy Pie, where we shared many thoughts about friendship, manners, kindness, and caring. We also read The Girl Who Never Made Mistakes, where we shared many thoughts about problem solving, taking chances, feelings of excitement and nervousness, and always trying our best. The children did a great job with both readings! As a final activity, we grouped the students and asked them to work together to illustrate their own pictures to go along with the ideas in the story. Way to go boys and girls! 

We encourage all of our students to continue to read various texts, both independently and with your support, while ensuring a thorough understanding of the material by discussing and making connections to the material presented. Here are a few examples of discussion questions we may use to prompt further thinking of the material read:

*what is this story about? Story sequence from beginning to end.

*who is this story about? 

*where is this story taking place? 

*what is happening to the characters in the story? Beginning, middle, end

*what is the problem? 

*how is the character going to solve the problem?

*what do you think is going to happen at the end?

*what would you have done if you were that character? 

*what does this story make you think of?

Wednesday 9 May 2018

A Sealife Animal Wonderland

During free exploration time, using his knowledge of sea creatures and habitats, Cruz worked diligently to create his sealife animal wonderland.  He included frogs, seals, lobsters, whales, octopus and stingrays.  Inside his wonderland were several lily pads, ice and pools for the animals to enjoy.  He created the structure with a special door so only sealife can get in and it keeps meat eaters out.

How Long Can We Make It?

During free exploration time, Nalini & Alessia created a chain using our plastic linking toys.  Mrs. Boismier commented, “Look how long your chain is.”  Then she challenged them,”I wonder how long you can make it by the time play time is over.”  The girls decided they wanted it to go from our back door to the cubby room.  Nalini & Alessia worked hard and fast, linking the pieces together one at a time.  Soon Lauren, Eve, Viviana, Jenna & Milana joined the challenge helping to retrieve and link the pieces.  The girls worked collaboratively to finish just in the nick of time.  They were extremely proud of their accomplishments which is evident from their huge smiles.

Self Initiated Symmetry

During free exploration time, Taliah & Reese used our wooden shaped blocks to create a design.  Taliah placed pieces and Reese would place the exact same piece equally next to Taliah’s design.  Taliah commented, “They look the same on both sides.”

Creating New Habitats

During free exploration, the children took their new found knowledge of habitats and created new habitats using different types of materials in our environment.  Niklas & Thomas used legos to create and house complete with stairs and a bedroom for their legos people to live in.  Sierra & Nicholas used foam blocks to create a habitat complete with bedrooms and a pen for all their animals figurines.  Nolan, Noah & Viktor used pine cones, leaves, sticks, felt, silk flowers, popsicle sticks and burlap to create a habitat complete with a fire pit, beds and a garden for their rock pets.

Monday 7 May 2018

“Our House”

Sophia, Reese, Lauren and Eve worked hard using different types of materials to create their house.  The finished structure is designed with stairs, beds and a playground.