Friday 23 February 2018

One Last Winner...

Gold Medal Winners 

Today most of the students enjoyed making their own Olympic Gold Medals. We have been keeping tally of how many medals Team Canada has been winning in the Winter Olympics. The children seem very excited to know which sport and athletes are winning which medals. Go Canada Go! 

Food Orders Due Monday 

Please note that all food orders are due Monday. Thank you! 

Tuesday 13 February 2018

Pancake Day

Thank you to the Parent Council and all of the volunteers who came in and cooked a yummy pancake breakfast for the whole school. All of the students really seemed to enjoy their pancake treat. Yummy! 

Friday 9 February 2018

Valentines Day 

Hello Everyone,

With the snow day today and many of you at home, we just wanted to share some information about Valentines Day coming up next Wednesday. Please note that we will be celebrating Valentines Day as a class, by doing some fun activities and centres based around the Valentines Day theme. Please know that we have many allergies within the Kindergarten area and therefore can not pass out any food items. If you would like to share a Valentine with the class, please keep it to a non-edible treat, such as a pencil or eraser. Also if you could please address your child’s Valentine cards To: My Friend, as it would make it much easier for your child to pass out his/her cards on their own. We have 31 children in our class. Thank you for your continued support! 

Pancake Tuesday

Go Canada Go! 

To celebrate the Opening Ceremonies of the 2018 Olympic Winter Games our class finger painted their own Olympic Rings, by following along to a sample picture that we had displayed. Great work today! Go Canada Go!