Friday 29 September 2017

Creative Fun

The children have been very interested in tracing, cutting and decorating. Today the children worked on their own Terry Fox running shoes and Gingerbread Men. Everyone tried their best and did a great job. Any extra practice cutting things out at home will help your child to continue to develop those fine motor skills and grip. 

Terry Fox Walk

Congratulations to all of the students today for participating in our school Terry Fox Walk. The Kindergarten students went out at a different time from the rest of the school, so that we could have the track to ourselves and really enjoy our time outside together. Everyone did a great job! Way to go boys and girls! 

Thursday 28 September 2017

Gym Fun

Here are a few cute pictures of our very busy friends, enjoying their time together in the gym. We have been focusing on cooperative games and activities, where the students can practice sharing, taking turns and playing fair. Great work everyone! 

Terry Fox Walk 

Tomorrow the students will be walking the track around our school playground in support of Terry Fox Fundraisers around our community. The school is kindly asking students for a small donation of $2.00 in support of Terry Fox. Please ensure students have running shoes on for our walk around the track. 

Thank you!

Which apple do you like best? 

The children did a great job today collecting data on their classmates favourite kind of apple. Great counting today! 

Tuesday 26 September 2017

Name Print Practice 

The students have been working very hard each morning 'following the yellow brick road', while printing their name in their own name print book. The students are either tracing their name over the yellow marker or printing their name between the yellow marker lines. We are encouraging the children to try to use both upper and lower case letters when printing. Any opportunity at home to print their name (ie. signing a picture they've made) would be great for extra practice. Great work everyone!