Tuesday 30 May 2017

Our Seed Experiment

Today we examined our 4 seed cups to see which one had changed the most since we planted 3 weeks ago. We saw roots, sprouts, stems, leaves and muddy soil. The students did a great job discussing why they thought each of the 4 seeds did what they did in the 3 weeks of growth. Great work boys and girls! 

Friday 26 May 2017

Literacy Hour

A big thank you goes out to all of the volunteers that were able to come in and share such lovely stories with the children! It was so nice to see all of the children so excited to listen to a wide variety of books. Thank you for your continued support! Exploring books at home is something I encourage all to do, especially over the summer months, to help further develop the love of reading! 

Friday 19 May 2017

End of the Year Field Trip

The students will be coming home today with information about our upcoming field trip. Please read and return your child's permission form, along with any payment by June 9th. Thank you! 

Shapes Week

This week the children and I explored 2D shapes and 3D figures. We read books about shapes and figures, made our own shapes and figures out of toothpicks and marshmallows, and worked on various shape activities. During our discussions, the children decided that 2D shapes are 'flat' and the 3D figures are 'fat'. Great work everyone! 

Mr. Bull even joined in on the fun! 

Windy Day Experiment

The other day the children were very interested in making paper airplanes and then testing how far they would fly in the wind. We used the internet to look up a simple 4 step procedure to follow to make our planes and then took them outside. The children were all very excited to test them out and even more excited when they watched their plane go flying in the wind. One plane even went over the fence and into the parking lot. So much fun! 

Friday 12 May 2017

Our Seed Experiment

We have now come to the end of two weeks of growth and have noticed some exciting changes! The seed in the cup with soil, sun and water has sprouted with a little stem and some small leaves. The seed in the paper towel with water and sun but no soil has a large stem with some bigger leaves. The two seeds in the other cups, one with no water and the other with no sun, have had no real changes to note. The students are all very excited to examine our seeds everyday and seem to enjoy tracking the growth progress. Can't wait to see what happens at the end of next week...

Happy Mother's Day!

Thank you so much to all of the wonderful Moms and Grandmas for joining us today on our Mother's Day picnic. The children had so much fun and did a great job! It was so nice to see everyone enjoying themselves. Thank you so much for your continued support and kindness. Happy Mother's Day and enjoy your weekend!