Friday 28 April 2017

Literacy Hour

Thank you to all of our moms who were able to come in and share their wonderful books with us. Looking forward to the next one on May 26th. Have a nice weekend!


Thursday 27 April 2017

Printing and Illustrating

We have been working on printing words and sentences, as well as drawing detailed pictures to go with our words, to help further communicate our thoughts. Yesterday the students brainstormed Signs of Spring and then picked one of the words to print and illustrate using 5 or more colours. If your child is interested in drawing at home, any extra practice labelling their drawing, as well as using 5 or more colours to add more detail, would be great practice. Good work!

Thursday 13 April 2017

Happy Easter

Wishing everyone a Happy Easter! Here are the Easter songs that we have been singing together in class... maybe your son or daughter will perform them during your Easter dinner. Enjoy!

Wednesday 12 April 2017

Bible Stories

During Lent we have read a story from the 100 Bible Stories book everyday. The students seem to really enjoy hearing about Jesus and His disciples and all of their teaching moments leading up to Easter. We have had many great discussions about The Golden Rule and showing Love and Kindness to others. This has all tied in really well with the students Good News tickets. It is so nice to see how interested the students have become in exploring the Bible, I've even caught a few of them choosing to read and explore during playtime. Great work Boys and Girls! We will be celebrating all of our Good News with a popcorn party tomorrow (I will be providing the popcorn so there is no need to send in anything). If you do not want your child to have any popcorn please send a note in their mailbag. Thank you for your cooperation! 

Fun in the Sun

Yesterday the students all seemed to enjoy having an outdoor gym class. Great work on the playground, climbers, slides, bikes, balance beam, and 'race track'! 

Friday 7 April 2017