Thursday 30 March 2017

What's In The Egg

Just a friendly reminder that I will be starting the What's In The Egg clue activity on Monday. If you haven't returned your child's Egg and clue page please do so for next week. Thank you!

Literacy Hour

Thank you to our wonderful parent volunteers for coming in to read to our class today. The students all seemed to enjoy the many exciting books that were shared. Thank you for a great afternoon! We are all looking forward to the next Literacy Hour on Friday April 28th from 1-2. Have a great weekend everyone! 

Wednesday 22 March 2017

Sight Word Fun

Today we played a game where the students had to not only read the sight word, but also count the letters in it and then print it on our Sight Word Chart according to how many letters it has. The students did a great job with this game. Any extra practice at home with letter recognition, letter sounds and sight words would be beneficial to all moving forward. 

Tuesday 21 March 2017

Rock Your Socks Day

Thank you to all for participating in Rock your Socks for World Down Syndrome Day. The students all had a chance to design their own pair of socks for Rock your Socks Day. We discussed various elements of design, such as lines, shapes, swirls and zigzags. We also discussed colours and characters that could be added to their designs. Great work today!

Sorting Fun

Today the students worked together to sort the bucket of bugs by colour. We discussed colour families and how each colour has various shades. Great job today! 

Friday 10 March 2017

Coding Fun

Today the students were introduced to the word Algorithm, a list of steps to finish a task. We talked about the Algorithms we could use to help get from one place to another. First we completed a group activity, where we had to help the 'Monsters' find their way to the treasure, using arrows as the directions. The children all did a great job with this activity! So we moved onto the iPads, to explore the coding game BeeBot, where the children help BeeBot to move to the treasure using arrows as the directions to follow. We will continue to explore BeeBot and other similar Coding games, to help the children get more comfortable following the steps needed to complete each task. Great work today! 

Wednesday 8 March 2017

Counting Fun

Today we worked on counting by 10 to 100. The students used paint and Q-tips to paint 10 dots in each of the 10 boxes on our 100 sheet. The students worked hard counting each dot to 10 before they moved onto the next box. We also worked on mixing paint colours together to make new colours. Any extra practice counting objects in groups of  2,5, or 10 would be helpful as we move forward with our skip counting. Great work today!
This is a great picture of Viktor using one to one correspondence to count each dot. I usually remind the students to use their finger to point or touch each item as they slowly count, to ensure that they are not going too fast and skipping numbers.