Friday 27 May 2016

Great Reading!

Today the students presented their reading books. Great job done by all! Keep up with your nightly reading everyone! Have a nice weekend!

Thursday 26 May 2016

Book Presentations

This week the students worked hard reading new Sight Word books with their groups. Tomorrow the groups will present their books to the class. Great work everyone!

Retelling stories

Yesterday we began the story 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff'. This was a great opportunity to re introduce the parts of a story including the characters and setting. The students have heard us use these words many times but this gave them the opportunity to get involved and complete a retell as a group. The students even coloured in all of the pictures. 
This then spurred on a book making session! Great writing and colouring was happening today! Good job! 

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Important Field Trip Information

Just a friendly heads up that your child will be coming home today with the school permission form for our upcoming field trip to Greenview Aviaries. We kindly ask that you complete and return this form no later than June 8th. As for payment, all of our trip information can be found on School Cash Online. Thank you for your continued cooperation. We are really looking forward to our trip!

Here is a picture of the school permission form that needs to be returned...

Here is some additional information about our trip...

Friday 20 May 2016

Fun Friday!

Today the students seemed to really enjoy some time on the playground equipment. It made for a very Fun Friday! Enjoy your long weekend!

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Ten frames continued

Yesterday we worked together in pairs to continue our exploration of ten frames. This is a great activity for recognizing our numbers and demonstrating an understanding of number relationships. We will be ten frame experts by the end of the week! Great job! 

Monday 16 May 2016

Math can be fun!

Today we explored ten frames! The children had fun getting involved and interacting in our ten frame game. 

Thursday 12 May 2016

Wonderful Readers!

The students all did a great job today presenting their books to the class. They all worked hard practicing together first and then did a great job reading to the whole group. Keep up that wonderful reading everyone! 

Wednesday 11 May 2016

We Love To Read!

Today the students were put into groups to practice reading a sight word book together. The children all did a great job! Tomorrow each group will read their book to the class. Super exciting!

Practicing our sounds in PALS

Today we got to play a really neat game with Mrs. Walker! We had to walk from one side of the carpet to the other by saying words and sounds along the way. Everytime we got it correct we would move onto the next word/ sound. It was great because there were lots of words and sounds to choose from and we were able to pick ones that we know in order to get to the other side. 

Tuesday 10 May 2016


We had a great time exploring our new areas today. The students really impressed us with their investigative skills! 
Lily and Christopher checking the colours of the buttons before sorting! 
Max, Ava and Noah exploring building with 3D shapes. 
Exploring the magna tiles at the light table.