Friday 29 April 2016

But Mom...

This week we read the book But Mom by Tony Stead. This is a great book about all of those things that parents make us do that maybe we don't want to, like eating our vegetables and going to bed. While discussing the feelings in this book, our students went into a discussion about all of the great things that moms do for us. Here is a picture of all of their answers. Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday 28 April 2016

Cookies Week!

This week we are focusing again on sequencing using the days of the week. The students have been doing a great job recalling our story:

Today we asked the students to go home tonight and think what Cookie will do on Sunday, will she rest or will she get into more mischief? We will share our ideas tomorrow! 

Tuesday 26 April 2016


This week we are taking a look at another sequencing book, Cookies Week. The students are doing a great job recalling what is happening in our stories! 

Monday 25 April 2016

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Last week we read The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. The students all did a great job discussing the sequence of the life cycle of a caterpillar. During centre time we worked on a craft where the students printed the life cycle words ( egg, caterpillar, cocoon, butterfly) on leaves, sequenced those leaves on a bigger strip of paper and then created each item using pasta and paint. Great work done by all!

Friday 22 April 2016

Happy Earth Day!

To celebrate Earth Day we went outside for a nature hunt. The students were put into teams, given a nature hunt sheet, and asked to go around the school yard looking for various nature items. Everyone seemed to have a great time exploring nature. We talked a lot today about ways we can help take care of our Earth, you should ask them what they think, they had a lot of great ideas!

Wednesday 20 April 2016

3D Shapes

Today the students learned a new poem on the carpet all about 3D Shapes. The students seemed to really enjoy hunting around the classroom for objects that are the shape of cones, cylinders, prisms and cubes. We tried hunting for spheres but problem solved together that we may have more luck finding sphere shaped objects in the gym, where the balls are. Great work today! Finding various objects around your home and/or neighbourhood that are the shape of 3D solids and discussing them with your child would be a great way to help reinforce the idea that shapes and solids can be more than just drawings on a paper. We will continue to talk about various items and their shape.

Monday 18 April 2016

Yes I Can!

On Friday the students watched a video with Mrs. Walker during Pals about how we need to exercise our brains, try our best always, and that mistakes are good because they help us to learn. We then read the story Yes We Can! by Sam McBratney and talked about how it's so important that we try our best during all of our activities so that we can learn and grow. A great example of this from last week was the Birds that each student created in response to the book A Drop of Gold by Vlasta van Kampen. While working on this activity we heard a lot of comments about how they can't or don't know how to draw their own bird, and our response was simply to try their best. The Birds turned out beautiful, as they hang in the hallway of the school for all to see, and we are very proud of everyone's hard work! Yes we can!

Thursday 14 April 2016

Kids on the Block

Today we were excited to attend a puppet show all about safety, especially stranger danger. We were lucky enough to be given a colouring sheet to remind us what to do when we are in danger. We had a great time! 

Beautiful Birds

Yesterday the students did a wonderful job responding to the book A Drop Of Gold by drawing and designing their own bird. The students worked hard on their birds and then seemed to enjoy sharing their finished picture with their peers. This was a great activity for the students to practice using their problem solving skills and their imagination to create visual art forms. We heard a lot of 'I don't know how to...' at the beginning of the activity, but by the end we had a beautiful assortment of birds to enjoy. Great work!