Friday 29 January 2016

What a Busy Day!

The students all seemed to really enjoy their Fun Friday here at school. They were all so busy today during play, building, creating and acting, that I had to share some pictures. Great exploring today Boys and Girls. Keep it up!

Cartons Please

We are still in need of empty and rinsed milk and/or juice cartons. Any extra that you could send in would be much appreciated! Thank you!

Thursday 28 January 2016

Thank You Miss Laura

Our class was very lucky this year to have Miss Laura, a co-op student from St. Anne's High School, help in our room everyday! Today was Miss Laura's last day, as she is about to begin another semester of high school and has different classes to attend. We wanted to share our group picture for all to see. Good luck to Miss Laura! 

Monday 25 January 2016

Jersey Day

On Wednesday January 27th our school will be having Jersey Day. Students are encouraged to wear any jersey or team shirt that they already have. They could even wear their own soccer, baseball or hockey jersey from community sports. School spirit wear would also be a great choice! Happy Jersey Day!

SK Picture Day

Here is the information for our school's Senior Kindergarten Picture Day. 
It is this Wednesday January 27th. Please note that the students will be wearing a gown provided by the photo studio. 

Friday 22 January 2016

Cartons Please!

Thank you to those who were able to share their empty and rinsed cartons with us. We are still in need of more, so any extra that you could send in for us to use would be great. Thank you!

Super Busy!

This week our students have been super busy during centre and play time. We have been working on matching shapes, reading beginner books, playing number bingo and creating our very own story books. We also spent time this week thinking about words that begin with the letters A, B and C. The students did a great job creating letter A, B and C posters. Great work this week boys and girls!

Exploring Numbers

This week we have been taking a closer look at numbers 0-10. The students were invited to explore the coloured number rods during play. 
They used white units to help figure out how big each rod was. Once they figured out how many units made 10 with one rod they were then able to make ten in different ways. 

The best part of the exploration was watching the students 'teach' other students how to 'play the game'

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Outdoor Play

We are very happy to share that the temperature cooperated enough for us to be able to go outside to play today. The children were all very excited to go and play in the snow. 

Just a friendly reminder that we have recess 3 times a day and proper winter weather wear is strongly encouraged for all students to have. Snow pants, boots, coat, hat, mitts, and a scarf are encouraged to be brought to school everyday. It may even be a good idea to send extra socks and mittens if possible. Please make sure you label everything. Thank you for your cooperation!

Tuesday 19 January 2016

Our Bread Experiment

This week we are learning all about germs! So we thought it would be fun to test out how germs are transferred. We allowed 3 groups of children the children to touch 3 pieces of bread, the boys, the girls and the boys and girls. Each day we will investigate and discuss our findings. We can't wait to see what will happen! 

Monday 18 January 2016

We are looking for Milk Cartons

We are kindly asking for any empty (rinsed out) milk/juice cartons. If you have any that are ready for the recycle bin can you please send them our way? We need at least one per student for an activity that we would like to start next week. Thank you so much!

Team Colouring Challenge

Today during indoor recess, we asked the students to sit with a 'team' of friends to create a detailed coloured picture together. The students all worked hard adding detail and colour to their teams picture. When recess was done they presented their teams picture to the whole class. Take a look at their wonderful work and ask your child, "what did your team draw?". Good work boys and girls!

Thursday 14 January 2016


This week the students were introduced to a new poem "Eat It- It's Good for You!". Please feel free to read the poem over with your child and ask questions about what they think the poem is about. The students have decided that the poem is about a child who is being told to eat something that they don't like. I asked the students to try to figure out what kind of foods they think the child is being asked to eat and how they think the child is feeling about these foods. Happy reading!

Wednesday 13 January 2016

New and improved writing centre

We had so many requests from the children to make our writing centre larger so we spruced it up a bit! The students really enjoyed exploring this new space.  We are writing and creating machines! Great work! 

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Working our way through the alphabet

We have been working hard on our letters lately and today we sorted words that start with B and words that do not start with B. This activity also helped us distinguish between letters b and d. Both JK's and SK's did a fantastic job! 

Thursday 7 January 2016

Working hard in PALS

We have been working so hard during PALS. Today after we practiced our letters we tried out some reading. We did such a fantastic job that Ms Dorian even let us try a matching game!