Monday 30 November 2015

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree...

Our students were very excited today to make decorations for our class tree. Lots of paper, paint, scissors, markers and string were used to create beautiful decorations. Way to go! 

Friday 27 November 2015

Kid-Friendly Reading Games

We have noticed that the children all seem excited on Fridays when we are able to bring out the school Ipads for student use. In keeping with the theme of technology, here is a great website, that the students can explore at home. is a wonderful site for working on letter recognition, letter sounds and beginner reading activities that the children all seem to enjoy. It's important to keep learning fun at this age, and this is a great way to have your child work on their learning, while having a great time! Enjoy!!

Recalling a story

This week we have been working on retelling/recalling stories. We used Pete the Cat books ( a fan favourite) to help the students retell the story each day. We did a great job listening closely and recalling the sequence in our books. Students were encouraged to come up and draw what happened or explain using a sentence. Today we will finish up reading and recording, Pete the Cat and the new guy! 

Thursday 26 November 2015

Christmas Family

Thank you for all of your very generous Christmas Gift Donations for our Christmas Family. If you would like to donate and have not had a chance to bring your item in yet, please note that donations are due tomorrow. Thank you again for your support!

Wednesday 25 November 2015


This week we are exploring what shapes or structures we can make using straws and playdoh. Each day the students structures/shapes become more and more complex. 

Doctors Office

Our Doctors office is in fully swing! The babies are getting amazing care from our little doctors and nurses! 

Monday 23 November 2015

Please remember...

We go outside 3 times a day for recess. Our lunch recess is 40 minutes, and our morning and afternoon recess are each 15 minutes. Please ensure that students come prepared for outside play. With Mother Nature playing so many tricks on us this school year, we want to be sure that all of our students are prepared for outside play. 
This morning the children discussed cold weather wear and came up with many good reasons to wear their, coat, hat, mittens, boots and even snowpants. 

Welcome to the Doctors Office!

Our class was very lucky to have some pretend 'Doctor Tools' donated for us to explore. The students all really enjoyed trying on their own masks and gloves. They were also excited to give themselves a shot, with plastic tools. After our exploration, some of the children expressed an interest in creating our own Doctors Office, where they can treat and take care of our class baby dolls. Way to play!

Here are some of our friends working on Posters to hang in our class clinic. Great printing!
Here is our very own Class Clinic...

Thursday 19 November 2015

PD Day

Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow is a PD Day. Have a great weekend! 

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Special Guest

Today our class was very lucky to have one of OPP's finest visit and read to our students. The children all enjoyed listening to the book, as well as asking and answering many questions about safety. They even got to explore real handcuffs! What a great opportunity for our students to have a guest reader during Book Fair week, who also happens to fit in really well with our Community Helpers unit. Great listening today!

Just a reminder that our Book Fair is open for shopping tomorrow during Parent Teacher Interviews.

Monday 16 November 2015

Comedy Corner

This week we are reading, " Why did the chicken cross the road?" We will exploring road safety with  but also we thought it would be fun to share some jokes with the class each day. If you have minute to write down 1 joke with your child and can send it in this week we will have our own comedy corner. We can't wait to share some laughs with the students. 


We are learning so much during PALS! Today we started a new story and some brave students came up to the board to read to the class. When we asked for volunteers there were so many hands up to try we were so impressed! Great work JK/SKs! 

Book Fair Has Arrived!

Today our class was visited by Geronimo Stilton, one of our favourite characters, to promote our school Book Fair. Please note that our class will be going to visit the Book Fair today, just to look around, and then again on Wednesday to shop. If you would like to send money in with your child for Wednesday, please place it in a small Baggie with a note stating who and what the money is for, and we will do our best to assist them with their purchase. The Book Fair will also be open Wednesday night for shopping, during our school Interview Night, if you would prefer to take your child yourself. Happy Reading!

Friday 13 November 2015

iPad Explorations

This afternoon was our first chance to explore the schools iPads. There are many literacy and math activities for the students to explore. This is the first of many times ! 

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Remembrance Day

Today we discussed Remembrance Day and learned a poem! The children learned about Poppies in our assembly. The girls were excited to practice their writing and draw poppies to show their parents after school.