Tuesday 29 September 2015

Working on our Word Wall

Here are two of our SK Leaders matching the letter magnets with our Word Wall letters. Way to go!

Friday 25 September 2015

Working Hard

The children have been working very hard this week during Centre Time. We have been developing our fine motor skills while exploring with play-doh and puzzles. Sorting colours while dividing the teddy bears. Representing ourselves through drawings while working on our This is Me in September picture. As well as reviewing the letters in our name while tracing over our first names in glue and glitter. Way to go!

Thursday 24 September 2015


We have been learning our sounds through our PALS program with Mrs.Walker. Here are some of the sounds we are currently working on. You can ask your child to show you how we learn our sounds! 

Welcome to our Class!

We have had a great start to our school year! All of the children have been working hard on learning our class routines and making great friends. Congratulations to all for a super start! Here is our first Graph of the year. The children discussed how they were feeling on their first few days of school, then placed their name circle on the part of the graph that matched their emotion. Great job!